Primary Schools in EX38 area of Torrington.
The primary schools in EX38 are listed below, click the link to visit the website of your child's school and then search for the lunch menu on the school's website. Once you have found the school's menu then scan through it looking for examples of processed meats such as any of those listed below or anything else that is obviously some kind of processed meat (note that fish is a kind of meat too):- beef burgers
- meat sausages
- chicken burgers
- fish goujons
- chicken nuggets
- ham
- bacon
- pepperoni
If you want to see what is on the menu of your child’s school or a school near you then either enter the first half of your postcode and press the green button or scroll down and click the relevant Town:
Great Torrington Bluecoat Church of England Primary School
Borough Road, Torrington, Devon, EX38 7NU
Phone: 01805622333
Headteacher: Ms Angela Fleming
Great Torrington School
Calvesford Road, Torrington, Devon, EX38 7DJ
Phone: 01805623531
Headteacher: Tracey Amos
Langtree Community School and Nursery Unit
Fore Street, Langtree, Torrington, Devon, EX38 8NF
Phone: 01805601354
Headteacher: Miss H Mellody
Marland School
Peters Marland, Torrington, Devon, EX38 8QQ
Phone: 01805601324
Headteacher: Mr Keith Bennett
Full list of primary schools in Torrington.